2019 Ethnography in Education Research Forum
The Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education invites submissions for its 2019 Annual Meeting and the celebration of the Forum's 40th anniversary. The Forum welcomes scholars at all career stages seeking a supportive venue for sharing their ethnographic work at various stages of development.
The Ethnography Forum is internationally recognized for its encouragement of original and in-depth ethnographic research on education broadly defined, within and outside the context of schooling. The Forum provides a space for ethnographers in a range of disciplines and fields to come together across generations to share and learn from each other and, in so doing, to become part of a broader intellectual community. Coordinated by current and former graduate students in collaboration with faculty members, the Forum is committed to advancing systematic, rigorous, and engaged inquiry and to involving students in all phases of the meeting.
Click here for more information about the 2019 Plenary Speakers.
Vivian L. Gadsden
William T. Carter Professor of Child Development and Education
H. Gerald Campano
Professor of Education
Alex Posecznick
Adjunct Associate Professor of Education; Program Manager of Education, Culture, and Society and International Educational Development
Mary Yee, Ed.D.
Jin Kyeong Jung
Gordon Divine Assah, OreOluwa Badaki, Nana Konadu Cann, Wintre Foxworth Johnson, Ankhi Thakurta
Suzanne Oh
Dr. Stacey J. Lee Professor of Educational Policy Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison.
| Dr. Fabienne Doucet Associate Professor of Early Childhood and Urban Education NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Dr. Na'ilah Suad Nasir President of the Spencer Foundation
| Dr. Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz Vice President for Program Initiatives American Indian College Fund